Steps to exercise eyes
*Sit comfortably in a chair. Rub your hands until warm up a bit. Close your eyes and cover them lightly with hands cupped. Avoid pressing against your eyes. Place your hands so that the nose is obstructed, and the eyes remain in the hollow of your hand. Check that no light rays enter, and do not leave gaps between fingers or between the palms and nose. Imagine being completely dark and try to visualize the dark stare. Breathe slowly and evenly, while thinking of something happy. When you see only darkness, remove your hands from your eyes and repeat the process for 3 or more minutes.
*Close your eyes tightly for about 5 seconds, then open them another 5 seconds and repeat it seven or eight times.
*Masajealos Close your eyes and fingers in a circular motion for one to two minutes. Make sure not to squeeze your eyes will hurt you.
*Make pressure for two seconds with three fingers of each hand on the upper eyelids. Rest another two seconds and repeat five times.
*Sit back and relax. Turn your eyes in the direction of clockwise, and then counterclockwise. Repeat 5 times and flashes every time you finish a session.
*Sit about 15 inches from a window. Make a mark on the window at eye level (you can with a sticker black or red, for example). Observe that mark and then some distant focus for about 15 seconds. Then again dwelling on the mark.
* Stretch your arm and holding a pencil in his hand. Put it to eye level. Go approaching the pencil toward your nose until you approach it right. Repeat about 10 times. # Look at the wall opposite and imagine you're writing with your eyes without moving your head. It may be difficult at first, but with a little practice it becomes fun. The bigger they are the letters, produce better effect.
*Imagine you're standing in front of a large clock. Look at the center of the clock, then look at any time without moving your head. Look back at the center and look at another time. Do it at least 12 times. You can also do it with your eyes closed.
*Focuses on a subject that is more than 45 meters for a few seconds and lentamenet, refocus your eyes for a few seconds to an object in the same direction that is less than 10 meters, and refocuses the distant object. Do this 5 times.
Some tips for exercising in sight
*It is better to do the exercises regularly, instead of each long periods of time. At least 30 or 60 seconds eyes moving every hour is very helpful. For example, when the computer is pulled loading time to do something, most people do silly things and waste time, but you can make eye circles to care for them. You will see the first vetch you do, you'll notice. When you finish working you will not have eyes as tired as usual.
*Take some breaks to look at some distant point also releases tensiónAdvertencias
See your ophthalmologist before doing any of these exercises . The last thing you want is to add more stress to your eyes, or damage forever.
*When you do these exercises , make sure no one sees you, unless you know what you're doing. They can take you for a madman.
*An extensive analysis has shown that visual clarity can not be improved with exercises . Some people have difficulties and have eyes inward or outward. You may have asetropía (one eye, or both, in) or exotropia (an eye or two out). These exercises can help this problem.
*Doing these exercises when you wear glasses can cause suction in your eyes. They can move in circles and possibly bend or move, which can be very annoying.
*Doing these exercises when you wear glasses can cause eye suction. May move in circles or moving or bending, which can be very annoying.
- A pencil.
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