Wednesday, February 6, 2013

20 rules for creating successful websites

Many of the projects and items that were created or written are still popular in the network. The funny thing is how I carried out my ideas on the web, I've never thought about how to make the popular page, tune your position in the search engines and potential customers to find it. The basic idea was to help people. First, help me but also to share my work with people who may need help from time to time. And essentially, that's exactly the attitude that has conditioned and conditions that thousands of visitors to walk around my page - a week.
In the last 12 months , I have development some sites, I found some concepts and ideas that have helped me to improve the quality of web design and information to show on my pages. Furthermore, I understand some facts unknown, acquired a vision of how to create web pages and how to create them well. Since this information may be of interest to the public, I want to share with you, showing the key points in the list below.
So basically, Article 20 rules for creating successful websites is my selection of ideas and concepts that can help you improve the quality and popularity of your web pages and provide a good foundation for developing successful futures.
  1. Take into consideration your visitors : intenes not force your visitors to read the content of your web pages. You let them decide what they want to read. If you have something to say, you'll find your listeners. Frankly, you're as good as any. What would be your reaction in a site with dozens of pop-ups and an excessive number of commercial breaks? That's it.
  2. Bad ads are evil. annoying advertising can improve your income for a while, but ultimately will not help your site to be successful. The truth is that you do not earn the respect and potential will get you and your projects should have.However, the ads perfectly combined with the main content and well placed in the structure of the site (eg ,Denny Carl has placed its advertising from Google Adsense in the right column. Do not you realize at first glance it is properly adjusted and the structure of the site).
  3. Informs and educates your visitors. ensamientos Share your ideas, experience and knowledge with those who may need or perhaps may want your advice. Since you have information, you have a powerful tool to attract public attention to your work, interests and services. Also, if you share your valuable knowledge with others you will be respected and taken into consideration as a person who knows what he's talking about .
  4. Develop your own style. Create your own ideas. Be inspired but do not copy. It's much more interesting to find that you're able to not what others can do. Explore your imagination and curiosity. Fresh ideas and new or old but improved probablemnte attract more users to the copied.
  5. Respect the standards, think people. When you take into account the web standards will be saving a lot of work in the future. It will not be long before web standards become a standard on the web: as you create web pages for people, it is reasonable to lose some extra time to check the code to respect the standards - in the event that the code not comply.Once done, you should not worry about the new versions of browsers. Basically why you've done a good job. readability, accessibility and usability. Respecting these points, you are respecting your visitors.
  6. Be clear. Use plain language. topics not say what you mean. Being ambiguous unnecessarily creates distance between you and your visitor. Be precise about what you want to discuss or present to begin an active dialogue with your readers. In addition, if you specify what you're talking about is more likely to receive feedback (feedback) or a response to the topic you propose.
  7. Hate Internet Explorer if you want, but do not ignore your users. Do not project your code in mind especially a browser, or a particular resolution. Without embarkation, guides your code to Internet Explorer bearings exactly as other browsers. And although I personally try to avoid the "hacks", sometimes you can not avoid them - however should be the last option. Internet Explorer is not the best browser .
  8. Take care of your content. develops websites, trying to make them informative, interesting and look nice. Do not forget that your visitors will remember everything. If you offer a visitor a link to a page inadequate without the appropriate description of what lies behind that link, you'll never see it again. The code is poetry , your content is prose.
  9. Do not worry about the web-crawlers and SEO. not think about keywords, it is more important what your site can offer. Refine the position where you appear in the search engines will take much longer to write a useful article on your blog. Also if you consider yourself an expert in SEO you should know what to continually optimize your site for better results in the search engines. On the other hand, if you publish an article will be (hopefully) available while the site exists.So, just write it once.
  10. (9a). Avoid methods PR SEO or harmful. Optimize for search engines incorrectly (eg exchanging links with all possible sites, placing your link in link farms, etc.) only serve to eventually be expelled from your site Most browsers. The algorithms of the search engines are constantly being improved, so that eventually your efforts will not be of any use if you risk encountering a PageRank 0 in any possible outcome that you've played. And besides that, once your reputation is low, it will be extremely difficult to get a good position at the top of the web development community.
  11. Contact but spamees. Let those who may be interested in your content, be aware of the same. First outlines your potential clientele. Then keep to those who may be interested in your services. Think about the places that is likely to visit. Contact only with the authors of these sites, offering a description of your services. However keep in mind that you are not writing for a robot (spider web), but a human can decide - or not - share you with their readers or - more significantly - to visit your site. Be descriptive, not send a link instead sends an invitation to the appropriate description of what makes your site different from similar projects. Make sure the person you are writing to is who can be useful to visitors of your (s) site. But again : remember that what you've created is not for your money, it is for people. Do not send spam, and you advertise, offer useful content.
  12. Write, post, feel free to ask. There was always an abundance of web developers who are asking the same question you are making you now. Feel free to ask or look for your answer please. The more intelligent the more chances you have questions to be answered, so that more people will find your site through search engines.
  13. Immediately answer your correspondence. Sets as fast you can touch with your potential customers, do not allow your email rest in incoming folder for more than 12 hours. Do not send automatic replies. The person who wrote you know you've been writing to you. So do not waste the time of other people in the same way that you do not like to waste yours.Instead try to create a good impression on the person who has contacted you. Answer secure so professional, friendly and open writing style, do not make promises but - again - feel free to answer.
  14. Use the advantages of the semantic web . tag, label and tag. Do not be afraid to mention your site on Digg (N. Translator: For speaking you can intersperse Digg by Meneame ), Reddit , Blinklist and hundreds of other social links managers . However you choose to use labels carefully. Visitors will want to come. And if the labels are chosen rationally, even more visitors will come. You can also encourage your visitors to tag your items at the most popular social administrators links.
  15. Create connections. always creative developers are supported by windows of CSS ("CSS Showcases"), galleries and blogs of other web developers. Something of this is mentioned here .
  16. Think globally. The content of your web pages can not attract people to the region, but the web barriers are imprecise and difficult to see (if they exist after all), so why not send your message to the world?, there is the need to find a new niche close to you if you have unlimited opportunities around the world.
  17. Never compromise your principles. Discuss how a site should be presented or developed, respect your customers and your point of view. But keep in mind that really you who developed the site. Do not do exactly what you have asked.Corrects errors if you realize that the customer is wrong. Be professional - at the end your goal is to create the site for users, not for the customer.
  18. Remains active. stay informed about what is happening in the network. The web is developing rapidly and new ideas are shared instantly. The best way to stay active is - of course - using the RSS feeds of the most popular web development blogs. However magazines related to graphic design and web development such as AListApart , BoxesAndArrows ,Digital Web Magazine , Design in Flight , Poynter , Layers Magazine or are worthwhile reading.
  19. Become proficient creativity. Find a new idea to exploit, try looking through web development forums focusing your attention on the people who are looking, for example is a resource visited by hundreds of web developers every day. Another option is ... well, take a break.
  20. Create beautiful web. Use CSS, to be clear, legible and intelligent design is beautiful. How can you resist such beauty?, Participate in open competitions as CSS Table Gallery , CSS Zen Garden , Comment Design Showcase ,Typography for headlines , Form Assembly Garden or sIFR Beauty Showcase . So make life easier for other developers showing your style and your experience.
  21. Be aware of the power of the web. You're creating the Web, so you have something to say. Supports projects that seem important to you and must be supported because their goals are something worth fighting is a great example.
The above rules do not guarantee any success if you do not believe in what you're doing and explore your creativity. Each idea can be "the idea."
This is all I could think Any suggestions?, any ideas?, Feel free to comment!.
Via |


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